A person's heart withers if it does not answer another heart. -Pearl S. Buck
We chose our partners hoping for a lifetime of love, but when that connection is damaged or fades, we suffer immensely. We long to feel connected and close with the person we love. I can help.
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy
When working with couples, I use a method known as Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT or EFT). This method is the most clinically researched and evidence based model of Couples Therapy (in other words, research indicates that this therapy works). My hope is to help you identify negative cycles that you get caught in, we explore the underlying needs/hopes/fears, and we develop new communication patterns. You feel more connected, accepted, and closer to your partner.
“She saved my marriage. I can’t say enough good about Katie ”
Why couples therapy works
- Science has now shown us that there are predictable and persistent ways that we relate to others. These are called Attachment Styles.
- When we understand your Attachment Style and how those activate your partners' Attachment Style we can see a pattern.
- Once we know the pattern, we can quit blaming one person or the other and move forward.
- As you understand each other better, your empathy and care is re-activated for your partner (and them for you).
- In my office you experience new aspects of your relationship (or long forgotten).
- You can ask for what you need and long for in your loving relationship.
- As you learn to communicate differently and learn to clearly state your deepest wants and needs, you and your partner bond more deeply than ever before.
A snap shot
This is a snap shot of the EF(c)T model of couples counseling. If you look at this, you might start to see some patterns that feel familiar to your relationship.