More Resources
We all know the adage, "it takes a village," and I believe it takes a lot more than just a village. Here you will find resources for a wide variety of issues, services, and other professionals. If you know of other good resources, and/or would like to be included in this list, please send me your information.
YOGA & Mindfulness
For a long time I thought the idea of meditation was stupid. I think I tried it 1 or 2 times and didn't feel any different. But, as I was forced (in Grad School) to practice Mindfulness Activities regularly, I found that I did feel different. Practicing Mindfulness makes it easier for me notice my emotions changing, and observe them without getting so hijacked by them. Its just like any exercise, its not going to benefit you if you only do it once. Yoga is a time/space in which many people can practice Mindfulness, but you can practice Mindfulness with anything you do.
Get started practicing mindfulness
I also love the podcast Meditation Oasis, which offers guided meditations on a variety of topics.
Use media to help you work on your goals.
PodCasts & YouTUBE
Let's face it, we are all on our phones all of the time. We try not to, we know its not good for anxiety, attention, etc. but we all use phones. Why not use them to our benefit?! I strongly recommend checking out podcasts and videos on whatever issue you are dealing with. There are millions of resources at your fingertips! Here is a podcast that I love, and here is a link to my YouTube channel where you will find many informative videos.